07 October 2011

Ty-Gallery -Fall 2011

Nová kolekcia od Ty-Gallery. Ďakujeme obetavej modelke Karle :) Nakúpiť cez internet môžete tu, česi tu. Ak by sa vám chcelo unúvať osobne, navštívte Polymorf.

30 September 2011


This was like in a TV, mainly when i met Sarah J. Parker in local pharmacy :) 
One week is good enough to understand why these guys are stuck to Manhattan, but deep in my heart i am simply a European. Pictures are taken with my first 35mm camera.

26 September 2011

Devin:making of

Na návšteve u Ďura a Niny v ich novom devínskom sídle. Napriek zúfalým výrazom bola rekonštrukcia nakoniec úspešná - dom stále stojí.
Visiting Ďuro and Nina at their new place. Despite their desperate faces reconstruction was finally successful - house is still standing.